2015 - Tampa

Mass Communication Division Business Meeting Minutes
April 11, 2015, 5:45 p.m.
Tampa, Fla.

2014-2015 Officers

Immediate Past-Chair/Nominating Committee Representative
Lauren Reichart-Smith, Auburn University

Dedria Givens-Carroll, University of Louisiana-Lafayette

Vice Chair/Program Planner
Gyro Newman, University of Mobile

Interim Secretary/chief note taker
Kenny Smith, Samford University


Dedria called the meeting to order at 5:53 and passed around a sign-in sheet.

Dedria offered the chair’s report with notes from the Executive Council meeting.

Barry Smith called a point of order that the minutes from the previous meeting should be approved first. Dedria said she needs all the help she can get and accepted the point of order as well taken and circulated the minutes.

Darrell Roe moved that the minutes be approved. Lauren seconded the motion, which was approved by unanimous voice vote.

Dedria returned to her report from the Executive Council meeting. A discussion was had about the SSCA’s executive director position – replacement, job shadowing, contingency plans and so on. Also the organization has entered into negotiations with the journal publisher. The division inferred that Jerry Hale is stepping into a role here. Dedria mentioned next year’s conference and theme in Austin.

Lauren expanded on the chair’s report with the following notes from the SSCA business meeting: Members were encouraged to Tweet and Facebook conference photos, and to fill out a survey. SSCA members approved a proposed $35 guest registration (targeted at members’ spouses, friends, random acquaintances, etc.). It was noted that children (18-and-under) are still welcome to attend free.  Also, the location of the 2019 convention was announced as Montgomery, Ala. (Ed. - It’s just like a mini mall.)

Dedria added a point about the importance of membership dues to SSCA’s financial health. The number of SSCA members has declined this year. Apparently, some former members of SSCA ceased paying membership dues – opting instead to simply register for the conference as non-members – in order to save money on conference costs. According to her reading of it, the conference budget was $28 in the black, and, she said, next year the budget is projected to be $128 above expenses. (However, these figures do not reflect the reserve funds built up during Carl Cates’ tenure as executive director.)

Melissa Smith noted that the most recent membership data does not reflect late registrants.

Gyro offered his vice-chair/programmer’s report. For this year’s conference, there were: 16 paper submissions, 1 abstract submission, four panel submissions and the media showcase for a total of nine sessions in the larger SSCA program (plus the business meeting). However, that low submission rate led to a very low rejection rate. This year, Gyro said, there were more student than faculty submissions. Given that there are now 75 members of the Mass Communication Division, faculty are apparently sending their submissions to some other conference or SSCA division.

Barry noted that we were low in the production showcase program, but four projects from nearby St. Leo were a part of the program.

Gyro noted the top student paper winner was Christopher Toula at Georgia State (“Digital Technology, Eyewitnessing, and Traditional Media: Effects of the Digital Turn on Professional Discourses”). Laura Beth Daws of Kennesaw State won the top faculty paper award in the division (“If They Found Out We Lived Together, They Wouldn’t Pay for the Wedding: Lies and Truths about Identity on Wedding Websites”).

This concluded the officers’ reports.

Dedria asked for any old business, but none was offered.

Dedria asked for new business.

Barry discussed the planning meeting that was held earlier in this conference for the upcoming convention in Austin. Planners must have their programs in place by Oct. 16, 2015. This is earlier than in previous years. Given the call for papers deadline of Sept. 10, this barely allows a month for reviews and putting together the program panels.

The conference is looking for themed panels in Austin and, in keeping with SSCA tradition, minimal A/V requirements in the panel sessions. Also, planners are looking for ideas and research that dovetails with Austin and local history and interests.

Barry discussed the multimedia production showcase. Barry suggested more publicity for the showcase, which has this year returned from a short dormancy. Any kind of production, he said, would be acceptable as a submission. Extended abstract/storyboard ideas and the idea of a separate call for the showcase was discussed.

Barry volunteered to create a separate call for the showcase. Melissa volunteered to design and distribute fliers for the showcase as well.

With the conclusion of new business, Dedria moved to the election of officers.

Dedria asked which division positions are required to be elected. Lauren said the vice chair position needs to be elected (because of a vacancy in that office), as well as the secretary/vice chair-elect.

Gyro nominated Lauren for the position of vice chair. Melissa offered a self-nomination. Lauren demurred in favor of Melissa. Bill Harlow moved for nominations to be closed, and Brian Brantley seconded the motion. The motion carried, and Melissa was elected by acclamation.

Gyro nominated Jeremy Padgett for the position of secretary/vice chair-elect. Lauren nominated Brian Brantley for the position.

Barry moved to close nominations, and Darrell seconded the motion, which carried. Lauren produced paper ballots for the elections.

Dedria asked Jeremy to briefly tell why he should be secretary. Jeremy offered that he would like to get involved in the division. Brian noted in his “campaign speech” that he would like to continue to give back to a division that means a great deal to him.

Kenny counted the collected secret ballots. Brian Brantley was elected the new division secretary/vice chair-elect.

Lauren moved to adjourn. Barry seconded the motion, which passed by unanimous voice vote.

2015-2016 Officers
Deidra Givens-Carroll – Immediate past chair
Gyro Newman – Chair
Melissa Smith – Vice chair
Brian Brantley – Secretary/Vice chair-elect