2013 - Louisville

Political Communication Division
Business Meeting Minutes
April 13, 2013

The meeting was called to order by Chair Kenny Smith at 5:48 p.m., who then welcomed all attending. Eight people attended the meeting: Barry Smith, Kenny Smith, William Harlow, Melissa Smith, Darrell Roe, Lauren Reichart Smith, Brian Brantley, and Hugo Hernandez.

The minutes of the previous business meeting (from April, 2012, in San Antonio) were approved after a motion by William Harlow and a second by Brian Brantley.

Announcements from the Executive Council were reported, as follows:
1) The spring 2014 Convention will be held in New Orleans at the Sheraton Hotel downtown. The 2014 Convention Theme is "Moving On: Envisioning the Future of the Field."
2) The location of the 2017 SSCA Convention will be in Greenville, S.C.
3) Dr. Leroy Dorsey will now be editor of SSCA's "Southern Communication Journal."

Barry Smith reported that membership in the Poli Comm Division is down. Membership in 2012 was 97. Membership in 2013, so far, is 65. However, the 2013 numbers reflect only the pre-registration members, whereas he 2012 numbers are from after the convention in San Antonio.

The Vice Chair's report (by William Harlow):
Overall, there were 6 panels proposed, but only 2 were accepted. 16 papers were submitted, and 14 were accepted. Also, Poli Comm had a few panels co-sponsored with other divisions, and together with the papers that were submitted (and put into panels), Poli Comm had a total
of 8 panels at the 2013 SSCA Conference, and one Division Business Meeting.

The Top (Faculty) Paper in Poli Comm was “Musical Rhetoric: Popular Music in Presidential Campaigns” by David Dewberry and Jonathan Millen of Rider University.

The Top Student Paper in Poli Comm was “Defining What’s Real: The Functions of Dissociation in Political Rhetoric” by Philip Kostka of Georgia State University.

The Vice Chair-Elect's report (by Melissa Smith):
Melissa reported to the Division about the Planning Committee Meeting she had attended (for the 2014 SSCA Convention in New Orleans). She gave information about the convention hotel and about the plans for how the convention will be laid out in the hotel. She also said that the Poli Comm Division meeting will be at exactly the same time it was this year, that is, at 5:45 p.m. on the Saturday of the convention.

Immediate Past Chair (and Nominating Committee Chair) Pat Wheaton's report was given in his absence. He reported that two people had been nominated for the position of Vice Chair-Elect: Larry Powell and Lauren Reichart Smith. Secret ballots were cast, and Lauren Reichart
Smith was elected to be the Vice Chair-Elect for the upcoming year. Congratulations were given to her for winning and for being willing to serve in this capacity. Lauren will plan the Division's Tampa, Fla. meeting for 2015.

Under New Business: Progress is being made to create and fund an SSCA award for Service to the Community in honor of Dr. Gary A. Copeland.

Under Old Business: Barry Smith noted that at the 2014 business meeting the following officers will need to be elected: Vice-Chair Elect, Web Editor, and Secretary.

Under Announcements were the following items:
Everyone was encouraged to attend the Osborne Reception at 7 p.m. Outgoing Chair Kenny Smith thanked William Harlow for his hard work and good service in scheduling and coordinating the call for papers and setting up Division Panels. Kenny Smith was praised for running an efficient business meeting.

The meeting was officially adjourned at 6:24 p.m. after a motion by William Harlow and a second by Lauren Reichart Smith.